Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Refuge From The World

As I mentioned yesterday, I made my first trip to Las Vegas this weekend. And one of the things that I really wanted to do while I was there, was visit the Temple. What an adventure that turned out to be...

As we were approaching the city, I put the directions into my phone so they could just drop me off at the Temple before they headed to the hotel. So when we were about 10 minutes from the Temple, my brother, who was driving, turns to me and the ensuing conversation went a little something like this:

Him: "You know I was serious when I said I'm not coming back to get you, right?"
Me: "What?!"
Him: "I'm not coming back to get you. You can take a taxi."
Me: "Are you out of your poker loving mind?! A freaking taxi?!"
Him: "Yeah, a taxi. You're a big girl."
Me: "Yeah, well you're an a-hole. Fine! I'll figure it out."

Fast forward a bit...I got the curbside drop off, and went in and had a wonderfully inspiring session at the Temple. As I went to exit, a kind sister tossed me a phone book so I could get a lift to the hotel. I called and finally got to talk to a real live person after spending 69 minutes on hold. She said they would send a taxi, but to call back if they weren't there in 25 minutes. I made the call 25 minutes later and was told they were just sending someone out for me. Over an hour later my mini van arrived. I jump in and my limited-English-speaking-driver proceeds to tell me that it's gonna cost me 60 clams to make the not quite 20 minute journey to the hotel. I said I only had $50 (Yes, that was a lie. And a sin. And the fact that I was just leaving the Temple,  probably makes it a double sin. I will repent later.) We took off and I was at the front of the Mirage in roughly 15 minutes. I will spare you the details of what the ride consisted of, as it was scary enough I have tried to block it from my mind. I will suffice it to say that it made the countless NYC taxi rides I have taken, look like the epitome of safety and as un-thrilling as the kiddie rides at Disney Land.

But to see and experience this, was worth it all...

I am so thankful for the Temple. As I was here, it came to my mind so strongly what a refuge from the world the Temple is. When you think of all of the hustle, commotion, and the not so good that fills the Strip of Las Vegas...just a few miles from all of that sits this. A gorgeous place full of quite, calm, and the goodness of God.

What a blessing it is that our loving Father provides us with a place to go and leave the world behind for a moment, and spend some quality time with Him. Just looking at the Temple is a tender reminder of His eternal love for us...

"The Temple is a house of God...A place of love and beauty"

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