Saturday, March 12, 2011

Brewskies, Brawls, and Bald Eagles

Last night I found myself at the hockey game, slingin' beer, as a fundraiser for Special Olympics. It was a hoot. It was not the first time I've found myself behind the tap, fund-raising. I was there last year doing the same thing. But this year, was much more entertaining... On the night we were there, it was a special occasion called "Beer Fest." Yes, I know, it sounds so very exciting. They had on tap a variety of different brewskies, many of which came from our local breweries. There was everything from Raspberry, to Jalapeno, to a little gem called 'Captain Bastards Oatmeal' something or other, and a stinky delight we sold a lot of called 'Cherny Bock.'

I met a lot of interesting people. Like the man who tried to tell me he was the CEO of one of the sponsoring breweries (sorry buddy, but the tattered business card you fished out of your wallet doesn't qualify you as a CEO.) Or the lady who was chugging her 32oz beer like it was a shot because 'she is here with her fiance and his kids and he won't let her drink in front of the kids.' And what about that funny old man who was doing a little 'provocative-spanking-dance' on my end of the cart as his wife is yelling "I can't take him anywhere!" Good times people, good times!

And I even made friends with the mascots...

(They were both full of it. The Eagle tried to make out with me, and the Grizzly Bear was equally feisty, and had those bottoms been detachable I am sure you would've seen his fuzzy derriere!)

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