It really struck me. I was in humble awe of the beauty and as I pulled the car over just to look at it, the thought came to mind "What a beautiful reminder that God keeps His promises!" The rainbow stands as a symbol of God's promise that He will not flood the Earth again as it was in the day of Noah. And today seeing this full rainbow fill the sky reminded me that yes, our loving Heavenly Father keeps all His promises to all His children. If He said it, it will be.
I've been thinking a lot about the promises that our Heavenly Father has made to us. He has promised to always love us and that He will never leave us. He has promised that He will never give us more than we can handle. He has promised us that every prayer we utter is heard and will be answered. Never has He lied to us, let us down, or misled us...He never has and never will.
And so as I ponder the things in my life that are at times hard to understand, the things that I wish were now, and the things that I wish were different...I think of the words of the Scripture found in Alma 37:17 "For he will fulfil all his promises which he shall make unto you,..." There it is in black and white. He will do all He has said and promised to do. The heartbreaks, heartaches, disappointments and longings will all be made right. Whether those promises lay in the pages of the Scriptures, or in a blessing you have received, they shall be. In His divine timing, they will be. Maybe not today nor tomorrow, but surely one day, they shall be. Until then may we be blessed with the patience to wait...