First Lesson: It's not about winning or losing. Give it your all, and that is all that matters. The final score is never remembered anyway...
"Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."
This is the motto of the Special Olympics. It is my belief that we could benefit greatly by making it part of the motto of our own lives... Too many times we forget that life isn't a competion between us and the world. We set out on the path God has given us. He has asked us to finish, to endure to the end, that is all. We must be brave and keep going even when the going gets tough. Life isn't easy. It isn't meant to be. And it all requires a lot of courage and faith on our part. But stick with it, for He has promised that the end result will be more than worth the struggle.
Lesson Two: There is always time for kindness and compassion...
I took this picture this Fall while playing basketball. An athlete's shoe came untied, and she was unable to re-tie it herself. One of her teammates saw the need, stopped in the middle of the game, and tied her shoe for her.
As I watched this unfold, tears came to my eyes and I was deeply moved by what I was witnessing. Here in the middle of a close scoring game, the game and winning, became secondary to the need of another.
We would do so well to remember this little lesson. Too often our concern is about getting ahead of another, or winning, or being better, or whatever. If that is our focus, we will surely miss out on what is really important in life.
Take the time to show compassion and love. Take time to serve those around you. It will bring a feeling that can't be beat. For it is that feeling that creates a feeling of fulfillment. I dare say that loving and serving and helping each other is the majority of what this life is about...
"The test then, of our soul's greatness is rather to be sought in our ability to comfort and console, our ability to help others, rather than our ability to help ourselves and crowd others down in the struggle of life." -Joseph F Smith