Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

With it being Mother's Day I thought I would write this and say...

Dear Ma,

Thank you for having the patience to raise me. I know that there were multiple times, dare I say even in any given day, that you had thoughts of wanting to ship me off to boarding school, fat camp, China, the insane asylum...anywhere so that your sanity might be saved. But you didn't. You kept me. And I am thankful for that.
I know you would often times look at me and wonder where in the world I came from. Like the time I got my head stuck in the rungs of the banister. Or like when I would refuse to leave the house without my Tina Turner cardboard cut-out. Or maybe the time when I got hit in the head when I walked under a crossing arm (okay, yes that was only a few years ago, and I do realize that most 'normal' folks don't have this happen to them.) But all these times. All I can say is that I have it from multiple good sources that yes, I am yours. Genetically connected, we are. And the fact that we look and sound so much alike, makes it even harder to deny this fact!
But I do want to thank you. Thank you for believing in me when I wasn't sure of myself. Thank you for showing me what strength looks like. I have no idea how you've done what you've done raising me and the boys on your own. Most of all, thank you for loving me, always.
I love you more than I can say.


And yes, though I have shared these nice words and love, you still need to be on your best behavior to avoid a future at Shady Pines...

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