Yeah, that's right, I'm getting old. Old, and these days, feeling a bit decrepit! I feel like I am 69 going on 690!
Why do I make such a statement you might ask? There are many reasons but the one that struck me, literally struck me, occurred Monday night...
Long story short, I was at my softball game. Somehow I ended up playing third base. (Don't ask me how this happened, as I am not a base-woman! I am comfortable out there in center field.) Anyway, I'm on third and a hard hit comes my way. I am sure of the fact that I've got it. No questions asked. As I wait for it to be snagged up in my awaiting glove, I feel a pain in my left thigh region. What was the pain from you might ask?... IT WAS THE BLOODY BALL!!! The ball that my glove which was outstretched a foot away, was going to catch. Nope. Did a feisty and large gust of wind blow it out of its original path? Nope again. It was me having no depth perception or any idea of placement!
Here is the little gem...(oh wait, there is nothing little about my leg or the bruise)...Here is the giant gem:
Gah! You always have the best bruises!!!