Friday, November 4, 2011

Temple Grandin and the Guardian...

Last night some of my dear friends and I went to listen to Temple Grandin speak. (If you are not familiar with her, get familiar. You may be asking yourself, where would one find the HBO movie 'Temple Grandin' starring a young Ms. Claire Danes, that tells her story?...Yep, you guessed it...NetFlix!)

She is an incredible woman who has made such a difference in the world. From the time she was born, the doctors and professionals were telling Temple's mother that she wouldn't amount to anything and that she should just be institutionalized. Temple's mom refused to listen. She tirelessly worked with her daughter, offering her all she could so as to help her reach the potential that she knew was deep within her little girl.

Long story short, Temple Grandin is now known as Dr. Temple Grandin, having earned a doctorate degree. She is a professor at Colorado State University. She has published multiple books and articles. Amounting to nothing...Far from it!

As I sat there last night, it was so evident that she flourished and came into her own and achieved a level of greatness all because she had someone believed in her and refused to give up on her and refused to allow her to give up on herself.

We all need a cheerleader don't we? We need someone in our life to tell us we can when the world, tells us we can't. We need someone to cheer us on and believe in us when we find it difficult to believe in ourselves.

I am thankful for the cheerleaders in my life. Those who encourage and believe in me, and see the good and the positive when I can't.

I've decided that I need to be a better cheerleader. I'm going to make it a focus to help others see their greatness and potential, when they are blind to it. How bout it...wanna join me? 'Go, fight, win!'

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