Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good Reads...

I've been reading more than normal lately...

Two delights I finished quicker than you can say Golden SNL Girl are these:

Betty White's "If You Ask Me (And of Course You Won't)"...

This book was a quick read, but well worth it. She shares stories from her personal and professional life and interjects words of wisdom and humor.I was surprised as I read about her desire to be a Forest Ranger. Not too long ago the National Forest Service contacted her and held a ceremony in which they made her an Honorary Forest Ranger. She went on to say that "It truly was one of the greatest moments of my life."  

Something that struck me funny is when she is talking about the 2010 SAG Awards where she received the Lifetime Achievement Award. She says:

"So I said to the audience...
"I look out here and everybody is famous. And I've had the privilege of knowing many of you and working with some of you--I've even had a few of you! You know who you are.
"Afterward, as I was led back to my table, George Clooney was at the podium. He saw me walking across the room and said, "And while I'm here, I'd like to thank Betty White for her discretion.""

That struck me funny.

If you are a Betty White fan, you should really read this book.

Now onto Tina Fey's "Bossypants"...

It begins from her very beginning and being known as "Mrs. Fey's change of life baby" and continues onto her childhood. One excerpt was from her experience starting her period: "Then, it happened. In the Spring of 1981 I achieved menarche while singing Neil Diamond's "Song Sung Blue" at a districtwide chorus concert. I was ten years old. I had noticed something was weird earlier in the day, but I knew from commercials that one's menstrual period was a blue liquid that you poured like laundry detergent onto maxi pads to test their absorbency. This wasn't blue, so...I ignored it for a few hours."

This book had me laughing out loud throughout it's entirety! One of my personal favorite passages was found on page 166 as she is responding to some 'hate mail' she had encountered via the internet. I laughed for 10 minutes over it. (You will just have to buy the book, or borrow it from me to see what was so humorous.) If you are in need of a good laugh, this is a MUST read!

So I hereby put my stamp of approval on these two gems and say add them to your Summer reading list. I know I'm no Oprah and I don't have my own little 'book club' but I've never lead you astray, so trust me on this one...

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