Thursday, April 15, 2010


So today there was an earthquake. I felt it. But I must admit that as I felt a little movement, I had no idea that it was an earthquake. If I am going to be totally honest, I thought it was my out-of-shape thighs trembling a bit as I worked out in the yard...

But it has got me to thinking. For so long I have been telling everyone to get their food storage in order because the 'signs of the times' are happening every day. And so I say it again to all you out there in bloggerworld. Like it has been said so well, 'if you are prepared, there's no need to fear.' There is no better time to prepare than this day.

There is so much going on in this world of ours. There are natural disasters occurring everywhere. Earthquakes, tsunamis. War is found in countless countries. Evil is abundant. You turn on the news, and it is full of sorrow and tragedy and horrific things. It is my firm belief that God is having a really hard time watching what it going on in the world today. And I don't know how much longer He can take it. When we can barely stand to see it, you can only imagine how it must make the Father and the Creator of us all, feel. I don't know what your religious or personal convictions are, but I believe in Jesus. And I believe that in a day not too far distant He is coming back.

And so I am living life as fully as ever. Each day I fill it with that and those I love. I'm trying to be better...a better person, a better friend, a better Christian. Who really knows what tomorrow holds for each of us, for the world. So I will live, laugh, love, just for today; and then get up and do it again with each day I am given. Life is short- "Come what may and love it!"~Joseph B Wirthlin

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