Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Anniversary GMa and GPa

63 years together...That is a long time.
And I think of, and am thankful for what has come about,
all because two people fell in love...

In 63 years, they have seen a lot.
The joys of being parents
The sorrow of loss
The struggles of raising a family
Weddings of their children
The excitement of becoming grandparents
Then many years later, great-grandparents
The enjoyment of retirement
The challenges of aging
And now, the joy and appreciation for each new day

And today I think it is safe to say that they love each other more than ever before.
Each day that love grows stronger for one another
As does the family
It is a bond and a circle that will keep on increasing

How thankful I am that our 'circle', our family, is forever.

I love you guys more than words could ever say
So here is to 63 more years, that will be better than ever!

1 comment:

  1. they are the cutest!
    i miss them more than i miss colton
