Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kris Belcher

So tonight we went to Girls Night Out at Deseret Book. We met an incredible lady named Kris Belcher. She wrote a book called Hard Times And Holy Places. I HIGHLY recommend you read it. It is inspiring, humbling, and faith building. She has lost the sight in both eyes due to cancer. She speaks of how when she lost her ability to see, she yearned for light. In the difficult journey she sought the source of all light. The Savior. She turned to Him and with His help, created a holy place during the most difficult time of her life.

I've been thinking a lot about light lately. I wrote down some thoughts, and texted them to some friends. Funny, today I received back that very text as a forward from someone...

But my thoughts were these: There is no such thing as darkness, for darkness is nothing more than an absence of light. Think about that. We hear of 'Outer Darkness' in relation to is what it is, because Jesus the source of all light and life is not there nor will He ever be. There are times that our countenance becomes dim or even dark. Due to our poor choices, we lose the companionship of the Spirit, the light dims. During difficult times in our lives, we may feel that darkness surrounds us. Well the Light, is also understanding. And that darkness we feel during times of adversity is because of us not being able to see or understand at the moment what the purpose of the affliction may be.
*Check out D&C 88 especially verses 6-13*

It is my hope that your life will be full of light and The Light. This world is a depressing place with so much evil and sorrow. Let's try to live the words of the song...'This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine' so that we can lift those around us, and spread hope. Kris Belcher is an example of this. Her light shines brightly. She is full of light and hope and she shares it will all she meets. I'm going to try my best to be a little more, no make that a lot more, like her...

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