Thursday, March 4, 2010

Peeps+Thin Mints=A trip to AAA Tent & Awning For New Clothes

Spring is getting ready to burst, and so are the seams of my pants...
Two of the greatest treats ever made are first, Peeps; and coming in at a close second, would be Girl Scout Cookies. My favorite Peeps are the purple ones. Yes it is my favorite color, but my being partial to the color aside, they just taste better. Crazy you might call me, but the different colors taste different. True story. Let them dry out for a few days so they harden up a bit, and they're delightful!

As for the Girl Scout Cookies, the Thin Mints can't be beat! But I ask, why do they call them thin mints? Theres nothing thin about them. They're like Pringles, you can't eat just one. (Or wait, is that Lays? I don't know, it's a chip company.) A box or two later, you wake up from your sugar induced slumber wondering what happened, how you got there, and who in the 'edit' ate all your cookies!

What makes these things so delecitble? What is the secret ingredient? My feeling is it must be cocaine...What do you think?

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