Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oh Canada!

Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, that is what today is in case you didn't know...

Anyway, I didn't know until I looked at the calendar that today and I also had no clue what it was. I Googled it, and to be honest I still don't know exactly what the holiday is. From what I think I gathered, Canada got jealous of Ireland having a day like St Patrick's Day and so they invented Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day. So all I know is that it happens in Canada, and it is a paid holiday...Sounds good to me!

I love Canada. They are responsible for some of my favorite things. Like All-Dressed-Chips. Celine Dion (which reminds me, I am going to be throwing a baby shower for her and then all of the goods will be donated to the local women's shelter. It's gonna be good. Stay tuned for details.) They also have mounted police officers who ride their horses all across town,which I think is awesome!

So here is to you, our lovely neighbor to the North...I wish you the happiest of Saint-Jean-Baptiste Days!


  1. thank you from a canada halfsie. my people would greatly admire such a post. here are more somethings to love about canada: they have the cleanest lakes ever. i fell off a swing once and a really nice construction guy gave me the best band aid ever. and some roads have minimum speed limit signs so basically we canadians like clean water, band aids, and speed. and this post.

  2. I had no idea you were a Canadian-Halfsie! I am so glad you enjoyed the post. And as for their lakes, I am aware that they are quite for my brothers, they became painfully aware that you don't take cell phones and cameras and iPods on such lakes while in a canoe, because when you capsize there ain't no stoppin' your goods from sinking to the bottom no matter how clean the water! :)
